Filial / Family Therapy
It is appropriate for a range of children’s problems including, but not limited to:
Chronic illness or disability,
Inattention and hyperactivity,
Oppositional behaviours,
Attachment issues.
Filial Therapy is a special type of play therapy that directly involves parents or carers in order to improve relationships and alleviate difficulties within families. It was developed in the 1960s by Bernard and Louise Gurney and since then extensive research has shown it to be very effective.
In Filial Therapy, the therapist trains, supervises and supports parents or carers to learn the necessary skills to enable them to understand what their child may be communicating through their play. Filial Therapy can assist children to become more confident and secure within their family and can reduce problem behaviours, improve self-esteem and build resilience. The sessions involve creating a safe, accepting environment where children can express their thoughts and feelings via their play.
In Filial Therapy parents are taught how to structure a play session, how to listen empathically, how to follow the child’s lead and how to set appropriate limits. Through this process, parents or carers acquire an insight into their child’s thoughts, emotions and motivations and consequently form a closer bond with their child.
Research has found Filial Therapy to be particularly beneficial in decreasing children’s problems behaviours and in increasing a parent’s awareness of their child’s feelings and needs. It was also reported that parent – child relationships greatly improved following Filial Therapy.